The YIELDMAT function in Excel is a financial function that calculates the yield of a security that pays interest at maturity. This function is useful for investors who want to determine the yield of financial instruments, such as bonds, based on their maturity dates and prices. Understanding how to use YIELDMAT can help investors make informed decisions about their investments.
Category: XL Financial
Excel Function – AMORDEGRC
The AMORDEGRC function in Microsoft Excel is a financial function designed to calculate the depreciation of an asset for each accounting period using a depreciation coefficient. Unlike the AMORLINC function, AMORDEGRC applies a depreciation coefficient based on the life of the asset. This function is particularly tailored for the French accounting system, where it is…
Excel Function – AMORLINC
The AMORLINC function in Microsoft Excel is a specialized financial function designed to calculate the linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period. It is similar to AMORDEGRC function, but is linearly calculated, while the later is calculated using depreciation coefficient based on the life of the asset. This function is particularly tailored for…
Excel Function – ACCRINTM()
Description To calculate the accrued interest for a stock/bond or other security that pays interest at maturity Syntax ACCRINTM(issue, settlement, rate, par, [basis]) Issue: when the security was issues. Date is in entered as DATE() function or a sequential serial number ex: 8/29/2001 is 44437 Settlement: maturity date rate: annual coupon rate par: par value…
Excel Function – ACCRINT()
Description To calculate the accrued interest for a stock/bond or other security with periodic interest Syntax ACCRINT(issue, first_interest, settlement, rate, par, frequency, [basis], [calc_method]) Issue: when the security was issues. Date is in entered as DATE() function or a sequential serial number ex: 8/29/2001 is 44437 First_interest: when first interest is due Settlement: when the…