The BYCOL function in Excel is a powerful tool that allows users to apply a specified function to each column in an array or range, returning results for each column. This function is particularly useful for performing calculations or transformations across multiple datasets simultaneously, thereby streamlining data analysis and enhancing workflow efficiency.
Category: XL Math & Trigonometry
XL Math & Trigonometry
BASE Excel Function
The BASE function in Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool designed to convert numbers into text representations with a specified base (radix). This function is particularly useful for professionals who need to work with different numeral systems, such as binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal. What is the BASE Function? The BASE function converts a number…
Excel Function – AVERAGEIFS
The AVERAGEIFS function in Microsoft Excel is a versatile statistical function designed to calculate the average of cells that meet multiple specified conditions. Its the older brother of AVERAGEIF and a cousin of SUMIFS and COUNTIFS. What is the AVERAGEIFS Function? The AVERAGEIFS function returns the arithmetic mean of all cells in a range that…
Excel Function – AVERAGEIF
The AVERAGEIF function in Microsoft Excel is a versatile statistical function designed to calculate the average of cells that meet a specified condition. It is a first degree cousin of SUMIF and COUNTIF Excel functions, with the only difference is that it averages the values. What is the AVERAGEIF Function? The AVERAGEIF function returns the…
Excel Function AVERAGE
The AVERAGE function in Microsoft Excel is one of the most commonly used statistical functions, designed to calculate the mean of a set of numbers. What is the AVERAGE Function? The AVERAGE function returns the arithmetic mean of a set of numbers. It is a straightforward yet powerful tool for summarizing data, making it easier…
Excel function AVEDEV
Ever wanted to write AVERAGE() function in Excel and accidentally hit tab too soon to get AVEDEV? No worries, such function also exists. The AVEDEV function in Microsoft Excel is a statistical function designed to calculate the average of the absolute deviations of data points from their mean. This function is particularly useful for professionals…
ARABIC and ROMAN Excel function
The ARABIC and ROMAN functions in Microsoft Excel are powerful tools designed to convert between Roman and Arabic numerals. These functions are particularly useful for professionals dealing with historical data, legal documents, or business reports that utilize Roman numerals. What are the ARABIC and ROMAN Functions? The ARABIC function converts a Roman numeral to an…
Excel Function – ACOTH()
Description To calculate the hyperbolic arctangent of a hyperbolic cotangent(number). The Hyperbolic Arctangent is an inverse of a hyperbolic cotangent is a number greater or equal to 1. Syntax ACOTH(number) Examples The results are as follows: References How to calculate Arctangent or ACOT(). If you want to see details what Hyperbolic Tangent is, check here.
Excel Function – ACOT()
Description To calculate the inverse of a Cotangent or Arctangent. The result is in radians number from 0 to pi (3.14) Syntax ACOT(number) Examples The results are as follows: The DEGREES() function is the same as 180/PI(), which basically tells us Arctangent in Degrees References Similar function ACOS calculates Arccosine or inverse cosine.
Excel Function – ACOSH
Description To calculate the hyperbolic arccosine of a hyperbolic cosine (number). The Hyperbolic Arccosine is an inverse of a hyperbolic cosine is a number greater or equal to 1. Syntax ACOSH(number) Examples The results are as follows: References How to calculate Arccosine.