Description To calculate the hyperbolic arctangent of a hyperbolic cotangent(number). The Hyperbolic Arctangent is an inverse of a hyperbolic cotangent is a number greater or equal to 1. Syntax ACOTH(number) Examples The results are as follows: References How to calculate Arctangent or ACOT(). If you want to see details what Hyperbolic Tangent is, check here.
Category: XL Math & Trigonometry
XL Math & Trigonometry
Excel Function – ACOT()
Description To calculate the inverse of a Cotangent or Arctangent. The result is in radians number from 0 to pi (3.14) Syntax ACOT(number) Examples The results are as follows: The DEGREES() function is the same as 180/PI(), which basically tells us Arctangent in Degrees References Similar function ACOS calculates Arccosine or inverse cosine.
Excel Function – ACOSH
Description To calculate the hyperbolic arccosine of a hyperbolic cosine (number). The Hyperbolic Arccosine is an inverse of a hyperbolic cosine is a number greater or equal to 1. Syntax ACOSH(number) Examples The results are as follows: References How to calculate Arccosine.
Excel Function – ACOS()
Description To calculate the arccosine of a cosine (number). The Arccosine is an inverse of a cosine ranging from 0 to pi (3.14). Syntax ACOS(number) Examples The results are as follows: The DEGREES() function is the same as 180/PI(), which basically tells us Arccosine in Degrees References Want to see ACOS() in action? Check out…
Excel Function – AGGREGATE()
Excel Aggregate Function – This is a very useful function that actually combines 19 subfunctions that can be activated by choice.
Excel Function – ABS()
Description Provides absolute number of any positive or negative number. The results is always a positive number. An absolute number means simple a number without a negative sign, so its always positive. Syntax ABS(number) Examples